Mental Health Check

June 26, 2020 Angie K

Mental Health Check


I’ve been seeing a ton of blogs about what white people can do right now to help navigate the tough times we are in. Blogs about what black people should be doing.  I have seen our entire country unit in protest and advocacy for the Black Live Matter movement. I’ve seen people shift their perspective. I’ve heard people have the uncomfortable conversation. And I am rooting for every person who is enacting change in a way that fits them. But I also want us to remember that during this fight for justice and equality we have to set aside time to rest and rejuvenate or else the fight will consume us. Here are 10 ways to take care of your mental health while advocating for change. 

1.     Know when to unplug. Sometimes you have to know when enough is enough. Being up to date with all that is happening in the world can be draining. Know when to take a break from the news and social media.

2.     Look for the positive. Find the slither of hope and positivity in every day. It’s easy to get consumed with all the negative things going on in the world but I promise there are also some amazing things happening as well. Plug into those once in a while and give yourself a break.

3.     Know when to stop. Some individuals are not ready or willing to receive what you have to say. Learn to stop arguing with every social media troll that comes your way. Preserve your peace and know when to SHUT IT DOWN.

4.     Talk to people who get it. We are embracing a lot of uncomfortable conversations. And honestly sometimes it can become exhausting. Find individuals who get where you are coming from because instead of the conversation being exhausting it can aid in rejuvenation. 

5.     Find a therapist. Things are heavy and we are currently in a state where seeing trauma is normal. Every time we pick up our phones there is another killing. Another beating. Another image of hatred. Therapy can be extremely helpful right now to aid in how you are processing what you’re seeing?  A therapist is a great way to sift through what you’re feeling and address the root emotion. 

6.     Spend time with the people you love. Simple. Turn off the phone. Get off the media and love on those who love you. 

7.     Examine the conversation content within your circle. People in your circle can determine your vibe. Watch what they are saying, what they are talking about, and how it is impacting you. 

8.     Find peace within yourself. Life will always bring chaos, but you, internally, do not have to embody that chaos. Be your own peace and learn how to navigate your storms. 

9.     Exercise. Yes, exercise. Get out and do something physical that makes you feel good.

10.  Love. Walk. In. Love. These times are bringing about much hatred and division. Don’t allow it to penetrate your heart. Walk with an aura that says “I love you. I see you. And I want to navigate this with you.” 

Love you lots, 


Stay Connected With Angie