Authentic Love

March 16, 2019 Angie K

Authentic Love



I was listening to Inia Arie’s Wings of Forgiveness and one of the lines in the song says:  the game of love is about how much you can get but authentic love is about how much you can give. That was such a thought-provoking statement to me because it made think about how we as a society love and what we expect in return due to that display of affection. Why do we think we should receive anything in return? Is love a game of give and take or is it coming from a true place? How many times has God displayed His love for us? Have we always acted as if we deserve it? Have we always given Him the faith and adoration that He deserves? I’ll wait…

When I talk about the execution of authentic love, I urge you to think about the why behind your actions. Do you encourage others for the accolades or is it because you see a need to pour into them and want to fill that void? We should all strive to be the walking definition of authentic love. For me personally, when I do things from a genuine place, I find that I am not disappointed when it is not returned in the same manner it was sent. I love that she uses that words “game” because games are often times like gambles. You don’t know if you will win or lose until you reach the end. According to the Webster dictionary, there are several definitions of game that peak my interest:

1.   a secret and clever plan or trick.

2.   play games of chance for money; gamble.

3.   manipulate (a situation), typically in a way that is unfair or unscrupulous.

Why would we want our love to come across that way? As a plan or trick. As a plot to receive something in return. Now don’t get me wrong, I know exactly what it feels like to carry the weight of a one side relationship; however, that is why it is important that you have someone who is pouring into you as you pour out onto others. Pouring into others is not to see what you can get in return but because God has called us to love the world the way He has loved us. Unconditionally. Pure in heart. Unwavering. And with the sole intention of being a blessing. I know that is hard to do in a world that will take advantage of you, chew you up, spit you out, and leave you for the next person to devour. But that is when you have to recognize and evaluate yourself. The problem could be that you are giving more than you have.  Maybe you are hanging on to the relationship because there is something you just can’t let go of. But for whatever the reason, YOU are allowing that relationship to drain you. We will defiantly be talking about boundaries soon, but this is where they come into play. You can pour out authentic love when YOU ARE NOT allowing it to be depleted pass E for someone who is rolling smooth. All the while, you’re so broken that you’re walking the opposite way of the gas station with a tin can that has a hole in it. Ya feel me?? You can display a God-like love without being used, abused, run over, and passive. As the year goes on, find someone to practice this on. Authentic love is about how much you can give. God will send someone to pour into you when you decide to stop being selfish and make a conscience effort to be selfless.



Love always,


Comments (2)

  1. Tay B

    I love the philosophy of being authentic when expressing love. I’ve always tried my best to be open and honest with people but I never thought I would suffer from being too real and authentic. Unfortunately, people take my honesty as hatred, fake, or maliciousness. When I love, I love hard so I would never have bad intentions to hurt anyone, only to help. The truth is people don’t except me for who I am because they choose to believe their misconceptions of me or they simply don’t care enough to further investigate. I could be wrong. I don’t know why people assume I have bad intentions. I think I’ve acquired so many broken friendships due to setting my expectations so high. Often, people do expect so much from relationships that require so little. I grew up being taught how to treat people the way I would like to be treated but it only left me hurt in the end. Certainly, I’ve come to realize that everyone won’t always do as you would do for them but I know how to love because God has shown me more than enough even when I didn’t feel deserving. Thanks for your authenticity!

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